Bay Area intervention Alternatives

bay area intervention
Drug addiction often results in lost productivity and ill health, both of which cost the United States billions of dollars each year. For that reason, cities across the US, including the San Francisco Bay Area, have intervention programs that are designed to interrupt this chronic dependency (bay area intervention).  Intervention is usually initiated by a family member or friend, as the addict rarely recognizes that a problem exists, and is therefore unlikely to seek help on his/her own.

Whatever the drug of choice, intervention is generally the only way to overcome addiction. Addicts often blame everyone else and never own up to the fact that they have a problem. While we are all familiar with drug and alcohol addictions, there are a range of other addictions for which intervention may be required.

Many studies have been carried out into the physiology behind addiction, in an effort to understand why people become addicts, but results are never conclusive. However one thing is clear, overcoming an addiction often requires more than willpower and good intentions. Addicts need help, and many of them simply can’t overcome their addiction without it.

How do you know when to stage an intervention? In the Bay Area it is often the case that an intervention is not staged until the behavior of the addict starts to negatively affect family members, and friends. However, it is usually advisable to stage an intervention soon after you become aware that a family member or friend is steeped in addiction.

It is advisable to seek the help of a professional interventionist;otherwise you may find that attempts at intervention may backfire. The individual you are trying to help may become estranged as a result of your attempts, and this might hinder future efforts at intervention.

Where to get Help? There are organizations in the Bay Area that are focused on intervention, such as 1st Step Interventions. Help is readily available for addicts via these programs, and they have a very high success rate.