Most Orange County residents who visit gyms in newport beach ca tend to tighten up their diets, if you will, before heading out on a big trip. Whether it’s back to visit the family, or going on a tropical vacation, we always want to look our best. You got down to your goal weight and you are ready for take off! But wait! The flight is delayed due to heavy rain, and you have a few hours to kill before take off. You sit around, check Facebook, Instagram, Tweet about your delay, and all of the sudden you get hungry.
Without planning ahead, since you assumed you would have been ok without food until your arrival at your destination, you realize that you are surrounded by fast food and Starbucks, of course. You walk around and can’t find anything that is even close to healthy on anyones scale. Most of the time you will find that airports carry main fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and Carls Jr. Other than those fast food options you will also find many mini marts that are filled with fatty and sugary snacks, and only a few-if any, higher quality food selections.
Most of the time you will be able to get a salad at a sit down restaurant located in the airport, but it will cost you more and you will most likely have to wait longer-which isn’t ideal at an airport. Nowadays, most places have salad options and just for a dollar or two more, you can save your body!
Leave the cheat foods for your vacation. There is nothing better than feeling your best and knowing you stuck 100% to your goals. Not even being stranded at the airport let your slip!
Without planning ahead, since you assumed you would have been ok without food until your arrival at your destination, you realize that you are surrounded by fast food and Starbucks, of course. You walk around and can’t find anything that is even close to healthy on anyones scale. Most of the time you will find that airports carry main fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and Carls Jr. Other than those fast food options you will also find many mini marts that are filled with fatty and sugary snacks, and only a few-if any, higher quality food selections.
Most of the time you will be able to get a salad at a sit down restaurant located in the airport, but it will cost you more and you will most likely have to wait longer-which isn’t ideal at an airport. Nowadays, most places have salad options and just for a dollar or two more, you can save your body!
Leave the cheat foods for your vacation. There is nothing better than feeling your best and knowing you stuck 100% to your goals. Not even being stranded at the airport let your slip!
Here are a few tips that may help you on your next trip:
1. Always come prepared. When you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. When you follow healthy eating habits, then you almost always cook most meals at home. This is great because you know exactly what is going into your body. There is no second guessing on what the chicken is smothered in, or what kind of cooking oil the Chef used. When traveling, you can bring TupperWare containers on the flight with you. It’s an easy, healthy, and cheap way to get your meals in while traveling.
2. Drink a ton of water. When most people go on vacation, they tend to let loose, and with letting loose comes drinking, for some. When you drink you become dehydrated, which can lead to horrible hangovers, especially if you do not drink on a regular basis (which, if you lead a healthy lifestyle is probably true). Getting in a minimum of a gallon of water while drinking would be ideal, but the more the better-you can thank me in the morning!
3. Stick to your healthy, wise choices. You know that the eating habits you’ve been on have gotten you results, so eat according to your goal. If your goal is to look your best on your trip, then stick to your macronutrients. Don’t make excuses and go straight for the burger just because “there is nothing else”. There are a ton of options you have. Just think about what you have around you, and make the adjustments necessary.
If you are a frequent traveler and need more help developing a program that is flexible enough to work with your busy and difficult schedule, check out Training Ground OC, one of the Orange County gyms newport beach residents highly recommend!