Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sculpt a sleeker body with Cincinnati body contouring treatment

If you desire a slimmer, sleeker body that is superbly sculpted in all the right places, then body contouring can take you there. There are a wide range of laser technologies that physicians in Cincinnati use to perform body contouring. However, one of the most innovative choices is the Exilis Elite. This comfortable aesthetic treatment delivers maximum power and excellent outcomes.

As more people desire to have a more slender body but struggle to achieve it, they are turning to body contouring for a helping hand. This shift has made body reshaping one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in the US. At the same time, people are also opting out of invasive alternatives like liposuction, in favour of less invasive body contouring solutions. This has increased the demand for laser treatments like the Exilis Elite.  

The Exilis Elite is an FDA approved device that can be used to rejuvenate the face and body. It utilizes breakthrough radio frequency (RF) technology to help transform your appearance. It generally takes about 3 treatment sessions to get the results you want, but it will depend on the amount of work that needs to be done. The procedure is recommended for persons with mild to moderate areas of fat.

cincinnati body contouring
The Exilis Elite not only contours the body, but it tightens the skin as well. The RF energy of the applicator targets the deep layers of the skin, where the fat cells are. The thermal heat energy is applied at varying depths, and reduces and reshapes the fat cells, to create a smoother appearance. The heat also stimulates the production of collagen, and improves elasticity levels. This action helps to make the skin tighter and firmer. 

The advanced heating mechanism of the Exilis Elite makes it a very patient friendly device.  The mechanism precisely controls the heating power, so that the safety and comfort of the patient is guaranteed at all times. It also guards against any energy surges.  In addition, the heat application helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

The availability of newer technologies has helped to raise the level of interest in body reshaping. This interest is not only being shown by women, but more men are also choosing to have treatment done. Cincinnati has some of the best practitioners in the US, and this along with access to the very latest technologies, has improved the delivery of body contouring treatment in the city (cincinnati body contouring). 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Create a beautiful neckline with neck lift surgery in Beverly Hills

A beautiful neckline can be yours with a neck lift. In Beverly Hills you are sure to come across renowned plastic surgeons, known for their technical skill and artistryin performing a range of cosmetic procedures,includinga neck lift. A neck lift is designed to get rid of loose skin on the neck, in order to give the area a more appealing and well-defined look.

Sagging skin in the neck region is often the result of excess weight loss or aging.Aging cause the muscles of the neck to lose their tone, and they often separate as well. Many women often disguise this problem by wearing long scarves, or by using makeup, but it is possible to tighten those lax neck muscles by undergoing a neck lift.

When it comes to skin care the neck is often neglected, and people often forget to moisturize the skin there. As a result, the neck skin often becomes dry, and this,together withexcess sun exposure, often causes the skin to get thin and loose over time. 

Neck Lift Procedure 

A neck lift can be performed on its own or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. In some cases neck lift surgery in Beverly Hills is performed alongside a facelift. This creates a better outcome, due to the raising of the cheek folds, and the improved definition of the jaw-line. If fat deposits have settled in the neck area, then liposuction may be recommended. 

A neck lift is typically done on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. The incision is generally made behind the ear or under the chin, in order to easily access the neck muscles.  The muscles are tightened, and sagging skin is pulled tight. 

Surgery lasts anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. It all depends on the approach being used, as well as the extent of the work being done. Patients may experience some discomfort during surgery. Post-op recovery can take several weeks, during which time patients are advised to get a lot of rest, and avoid any energetic activity. 

Men and women who are in overall good health, but have sagging skin in the neck and jawline, are considered good candidates for a neck lift.  In addition, a neck lift can treat vertical bands on the neck. If you think a neck lift may be right for you then you can consult with a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon for further information. A neck lift is a great way to rejuvenate the neck, (neck lift Beverly Hills) and make it look younger and smoother.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Shapelier breasts can be yours with Orange County breast lift surgery

If your breasts are loose and sagging, and you want them to look more youthful again, then there are surgical options available in Orange County that can improve their appearance. Breast lift surgery is generally performed to correct moderate to severe cases of droopy, sagging breasts. The procedure is designed to lift the breasts and restore shape and contour, so that they appear ‘perky’ and upright. 

Breast lift surgery is also referred to as a mastopexy and is done to correct sagging breasts, a condition known as breast ptosis. Breasts often lose their shape and start to sag due to factors such as childbearing, breastfeeding, aging, and weight fluctuations.

Droopy breasts are often a cause of concern for many women, as they feel less appealing when their breasts are unattractive. A breast lift makes breasts appear rounder and more attractive, and for many women, this restores feelings of self-confidence.

Determining if breast lift surgery is right for you

During consultation, your plastic surgeon in Orange County, will determine if breast lift surgery is the best procedure to correct your drooping breasts. Women who have sagging breasts and nipples pointing downward, but have a satisfactory cup size are considered good candidates for a breast lift. In some instances breast augmentation may be considered a more suitable procedure, or may be done alongside the breast lift, especially for women who desire more fullness.

Breast Lift – The Procedure

Orange County breast lift
The incisions for the breast lift can be placed around the areola, in the fold of the breast only, or may extend from the areola to the breast fold. The incision areas will be clearly marked by the surgeon before the operation begins. The scars are usually not very visible after surgery.

Breast lift surgery involves the repositioning of breast tissue, as well as the nipples. During surgery, the nipples are shifted to the center of the breast.  In addition, excess tissue is removed, and the remaining tissue is tightened.  

Surgery can last anywhere from 1 to 4 hours, and is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the severity of the sagging, there are different techniques plastic surgeons in Orange County may use to perform breast lift surgery.

Patients can expect to experience minor discomfort and soreness up to one week after surgery. Most women can resume light activities about 1 week later. Breast lift surgery will improve the contour of the breasts, and make them shapelier. If you don’t want larger breasts, but simply want to improve on what you already have, then breast lift surgery (Orange County breast lift surgery) may be right for you.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Why Bay area addiction care management is more effective

bay area addiction care
Providing quality care for addicts is the only way to effectively deal with the problem of addiction.  Interventionists in addiction prone centers like the Bay Area understand the need for long term care for recovering addicts. They recognize that in order to be effective, treatment must focus on being able to meet the needs of addicts in the long term.

Traditional addiction treatment is short term in focus, and lasts for only 3 to 6 months.During this time, the addicts undergo a period of detoxification and counseling. However, the success of this type of program is limited, because the addicts do not get the support they need for the long term.

Concerned by the high relapse rates, treatment centers in the Bay Area have adopted the more effective addiction care management model. This model is designed to offer addicts an individualized program of long term monitoring and assistance, so they can achieve and maintain their recovery goals.

What is Addiction Care Management?

The multifaceted addiction care program incorporates the professional help of addiction care management specialists, and interventionists. It also co-opts the support of family and friends, to provide the additional support that an addict so desperately needs.  This approach has been welcomed as being more effective in dealing with the chronic problem of addiction.

Addiction care management is a program of recovery that gives addicts long term care, so that they are able to maintain their recovery results (bay area addiction care). It provides the crucial support necessary to enable addicts to keep the early gains they make in their recovery program.

The Bay Area addition care program makes a complete assessment of the needs of the addict, and then seeks to meet those needs via the support staff. With this assistance, addicts are better equipped to meet the challenges they are likely to face on the road to recovery.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Causes and Prevention of vaginal irritation

Vaginal irritation is a very uncomfortable and difficult problem for a large number of women of all ages. This irritation is generally marked by itchiness, redness, as well as the presence of a discharge which is either white, yellowish or grey in color. The irritation may be the result of a vaginal infection, a vaginal altered micro-flora pattern or it may also be caused by a reaction to harmful chemicals in ordinary hygienic products.

Vaginal Infections

Trichomonas and yeast are common vaginal infections which are simple to diagnose and treat.

Altered Vaginal Micro-Flora patterns

These represent a spectrum of abortions in the constituents of the vaginal flora. The most common is known as bacterial vaginosis (BV), the other three are less well known and generally require a specialist to elucidate and treat. They include non-inflammatory vaginosis (NV), inflammatory vaginosis (IV), and desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV).

Vaginal Irritants

Sensitivity to chemicals from diverse sources such as feminine hygiene products, detergents, ointments, and douches can also cause vaginal irritation. These irritants are also present in some soaps, feminine sprays, lotions, and bubble baths.

Preventing vaginal irritation

While vaginal irritation can be successfully treated with the use of hypocontactant , non-allergenic and neutral products. Also keeping the vaginal area as dry as possible, and allow more air to reach the vulva. This can be done by wearing cotton underwear, which increases the flow of air, thereby decreasing moisture. Clothing should also be loose fitting, as tight clothing is constrictive, and limits air flow. It is also important to maintain proper hygiene in the genital area which may include trimming the pubic hair and or completely shaving.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why Anti-Aging Aesthetic Laser Treatments Are In High Demand

Aesthetic Laser
If you want To Renew And Rejuvenate Your Skin effortlessly and effectively, then why not consult your physician about an aesthetic laser. These lasersare specially designed for cosmetic work. In fact, advances in cosmetic laser technology have resulted in the emergence of different types of lasers that are safer, convenient, and easier to use. Consequently, there are fewer risks associated with cosmetic lasers, and much less pain, thereby giving rise to increased patient comfort.

In addition, these state-of-the-art lasers provide medical practitioners with the tools they need to perform a range of cosmetic procedures. These lasers can be used to carry out tattoo removal, hair removal, and cellulite reduction. They can also be used totreat leg veins, stretch marks, skin tightening,and much more. 

The increasing demand for these types of cosmetic procedures has meant that physicians without cosmetic experience are now exploring these options. As a result, they are getting the requisite knowledge and experience that will allow them to incorporate these procedures into their practice.

Anti-aging aesthetic laser treatments are in high demand (click here for more info). Patients often require help in order to rejuvenate their skin, and restore its radiance and youthful appearance. Photo aging, wrinkles, and skin discolorations are some of the symptoms that often require treatment. There are a number of lasers on the market that can treat wrinkles and other signs of age. One of the most effective is theHarmonyXL laser that can be used with the1320 Nd: YAG handpiece.

Harmony lasers are manufactured by Alma lasers and work in conjunction with different handpieces that treat varying aesthetic conditions. The 1320 Nd: YAG is specially designed to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It is also a very helpful tool that can be used to rejuvenation the skin, as it removes the outer layers of the skin and encourages the production of new skin cells. These cells cause the skin to look younger and smoother.

Hair removal is another very popular aesthetic laser treatment. Unwanted hair is a common and embarrassing problem that laser treatment is able to deal with in a more effective manner than traditional remedies such as tweezing, plucking, and shaving. For one thing, laser treatment lasts a lot longer, and is virtually pain free. Laser hair removal rids the body of hair on a permanent basis, as once the active growing hair is removed it does not grow back. Devices such as the SopranoXL laser by Alma lasers are able to remove hair fast. 

The SopranoXL laser works on all skin types, and is known to be risk free, and pain free. As a result, it is a very attractive option for patients looking to remove problem hair quickly and efficiently. The laser is built using the latest advances in aesthetic laser technology, making it one of the most reliable hair removal laser options on the market.